PLXMon Errata February 14, 1997 In PLXMon95, the user buffer "hbuf" is not necessarily contiguous in PHYSICAL memory. Copying large blocks of memory TO hbuf using DMA, the move command or the fill command could have disasterous effects. Copying FROM hbuf using the same methods may yield unexpected results. The fill command ("f") is limited to 64KB block fills The move command ("m") is limited to 64KB block moves User-defined variables s0, s1, s2 and s3 (representing PCI Configuration Registers 0x18, 0x1c, 0x20, and 0x24 respectively) have their least significant bit set if their respective spaces are mapped to I/O. You can re-define the variables with the least significant bit clear. EEPROM read and write commands "re" and "we" may be dropped from future releases. These commands have been replaced by the "eep" command. The PLXMon command line supports INSERT and OVERWRITE modes, but the mode is not made visible to the user. (In most programs, like DOSEDIT.COM, the cursor is a different size depending on the mode.) Displaying memory with "d", "db", "dw", or "dl" or "dd" may have an undesireable side affect with memory-mapped hardware devices. Memory is read once (with byte, word or double word bus cycles) to display the hex value, then it is read again to display the ASCII encoded characters at the end of a display line. For these re-reads, memory is always read as bytes. You should be aware that when displaying memory-mapped hardware, the device is being read more often (and with a different bus cycle) than you might expect! Note: the input commands "i", "ib", "iw", "il", and "id" do not share this characteristic. End of errata